Ningbo To Yiwu
Ningbo To Yiwu
The Fastest–By Train
1.G1416 Departure 07:00 AM–08:47 AM Arrive
2.K422 Departure 07:39 AM–11:00 AM Arrive
3.G2332 Departure 07:50 AM–09:47 AM Arrive
4.K584 Departure 09:40 AM–11:50 AM Arrive
5.K1078 Departure 08:40 AM–11:56 AM Arrive
6.G2342 Departure 09:08 AM–11:08 AM Arrive
7.K848 Departure 11:12 AM–14:34 PM Arrive
8.G2356 Departure 14:43 PM–16:50 PM Arrive
9.K212 Departure 15:05 PM–20:12 PM Arrive
10.Z32 Departure 20:58 PM–23:48 PM Arrive
11.Z290 Departure 21:05 PM–00:01 AM Arrive(Next Morning)
The Economical–By Bus
Everyday around 13 buses from Ningbo bus station to Yiwu,the price is around 74 RMB. Normally it takes 3hours from Ningbo to Yiwu. Our company also have offcie in Ningbo, some times have cars from Ningbo to Yiwu, also can pick you up if have car departure there.
From Yiwu Station/Airport To Yiwu Market/Hotel
It takes 30-50 rmb by taxi from Yiwu Airport/Yiwu station to Yiwu market/hotel
according to the time and location.,just for your reference.By the way,Our company can offer free pick up for our customers.If any need welcome to contact Deputy Director Mr.Micheal (0086) 579 85096127/15906791672.
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